If you are unsure of how to cancel your Lunar+ subscription, you are in the right place! Please read the following steps below.
Step 1: Go to your email addresses inbox
- You can either search for the term "Lunar Client Subscription" in your inbox or manually find the email from Tebex.
The email should look something like this:
Step 2: Cancelling the subscription
- Next, you will need to click the button in the email labeled "If you want to cancel your subscription, click here" (refer to the image above if you are lost).
Still having trouble?
Step 1: Head over to the Tebex website
- Please visit the Tebex website here: https://checkout.tebex.io/payment-history
Step 2: Cancelling the subscription
- Click the button called "CONTINUE" under the "Cancel a subscription" header.
- After, type in the email address used to purchase your Lunar+ subscription, and press continue.
- Check the latest emails in your inbox for an email from Tebex (refer to the image below).
- Click the "View Payment History" button or the link provided below the button.
Once you are inside the website, next click the "Subscriptions" button.
- Find the Lunar+ subscription and press the cancel button.
If you change your mind later, don't worry, you can purchase Lunar+ again at anytime!